Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
009 | Three Standing Pre-Classic Figures | 219 | Nukuma Yina Ceremonial Figure | 334 | Large Marajoara Bowl Type Lid |
020 | Colima Emaciated Male Figure | 220 | Vanuatu Ancestor Effigy | 336 | Large Mexican Folk Art Vessel |
033 | Three Pre-Classic Pretty Lady Figures | 221 | Tlingit Beaver Totem with Potlatch Rings | 342 | Ancestral Gope Board |
040 | Maya Carved Cylinder | 222 | Kachina Doll | 343 | Large Gope Board |
050 | Maya Polychrome Decorated Bowl | 224 | Two Eskimo Scrimmed Bone Handles (2) | 359 | Two African Necklaces |
054 | Pre-Classic Maya Serpentine Maskette | 229 | Northern Nigerian Standing Figure | 360 | Akan Female Wood Doll |
056 | Costa Rican Tripod Bowl with Relief Head | 230 | Ghanian Female Figure | 365 | Dogon Style Rounded Mask |
060 | Nicoya Tripod Bowl & Small Face Bowl (2) | 232 | Large Standing Lobi Figure | 378 | Two Bronze Vessels |
061 | Panamanian Polychrome Decorated Fruitera | 234 | Senufo Granary Door | 381 | Three Large Holyland Pottery Bowls |
080 | Chavin Decorated Bottle | 243 | Pre-Classic Bust & Veracruz Head (2) | 383 | Holyland Four Wick Saucer Lamp & Bowl (2) |
081 | Chavin Decorated Blackware Bowl | 245 | Nayarit Seated Female Figure with Bowl | 385 | Three Pottery Vessels |
082 | Paracas Pottery Vessel with Bird Head | 246 | Three Colima Figures (3) | 386 | Two Iron Age & Islamic Vessels (4) |
089 | Sican Bronze and Silver Mask | 248 | Two Nayarit Figures | 391 | Carved Bone Pazzuzu and Winged Eros Pendants (2) |
098 | Huacho Mother and Daughter Figures (2) | 252 | Pre-Columbian Stone and Bone Lot (5) | 404 | Roman Bronze Bull, Head & Mini Vessel (3) |
099 | Tamalameque Lidded Effigy Vessel | 255 | Nopiloa Molded Figural Rattle | 406 | Roman Bronze Foot, Bird, Coptic Bone (3) |
103 | Manta Standing Figure | 258 | Aztec Decorated Censer | 408 | Roman Bronze Figure |
105 | Chancay Painted Textile | 263 | Jaina Ceremonial Rattle | 415 | Ancient Glass Lot (6) |
107 | Chancay Painted Mummy Bundle Faces (2) | 270 | Maya Bowl with Incised Decoration | 416 | Two Miniature Ancient Glass Tubular Beads |
108 | Hair Wreath | 271 | Maya Monkey Bowl | 419 | Hellenistic Pottery and Roman Glass (5) |
119 | Pottery Animal | 279 | Panamanian Figural Lot (4) | 425 | Antiquity Lot (5) |
124 | Three Scythian Bronzes | 283 | Colombian Figures & Olla (3) | 432 | Bronze Spear, Torque & Korean Spoon (3) |
140 | Roman Marble Bust | 284 | Sinu Chalice Bowl | 435 | Two Matched European Fibula Pins |
142 | Three Roman Bone Figures | 290 | Brownware Bird Bowl | 437 | Three Ancient Necklaces |
188 | Roman-Egyptian Limestone Head | 291 | Ecuadorian Seated Female Figure | 452 | Islamic Pen Case & Powder Flask |
189 | Egyptian Cartonnage | 299 | Olmec Cup & 2 Bones (3) | 465 | Tang Figure and 2 Tsa Tsas (3) |
193 | Chinese Bronze Ding | 303 | Nicoya Bench Figure with Removable Head & Ecuadorian Blackware Figural Whistle (2) | 478 | Small Bronze Indian Sculpture |
194 | Chinese Bronze Gu | 307 | Sican Reyna Vessel | 479 | Indian Bronze Nandi |
197 | Chinese Bronze Dragon Fragment | 308 | Small Chancay Figure and Huacho Bowl (2) | 480 | Indian Bronze Plaque |
199 | Two Tang Dynasty Pottery figures | 309 | Chancay Wood Figure | 487 | Tibetan Copper & Brass Teapot |
200 | Two Tang Dynasty Pottery figures | 318 | Chimu Blackware Monkey Vessel & Moche/Chimu Pinkware Anthrpomorphic Bottle (2) | 488 | Tibetan Drum and Gilt Amulet (2) |
206 | Batak Staff | 322 | Inca Pottery Aryballos | 489 | Large Tibetan Leather Pouch |
209 | Kikori River Kundu | 323 | Vicus Mace Head and Inca Canopa (2) | 493 | Japanese Carved Wooden Archway |
212 | Sepik River Warriors Canoe Prow Ornament | 327 | Chimu/Inca Tumpline | 494 | Indian Pottery Lady & Chinese Soapstone Figure (2) |
213 | Hunstein Mountains “Garra” Hook Mask | 328 | Ceramic Shoe Vessels (2) | 500 | Stone Sphere on Brass Lamp Stand |
214 | “Garra” Sacred Mask | 329 | Argentinean Keros and Bowl (3) | 524 | Two Transatlantic Cable Sections |
215 | Trobriand Islands Splash Board | 330 | Two Argentinean Bowls |
217 | Small Sepik River Drum | 331 | Three Small Argentinean Mugs |