Arte Primitivo
Howard S. Rose Gallery
3 East 65th Street New York, NY 10021 212.570.6999 Fax: 212.570.1899

66 Fine Tribal & Pre-Columbian Art and Antiquities UNSOLD LIST

Lot#Descr Lot#Descr Lot#Descr
009Three Standing Pre-Classic Figures 219Nukuma Yina Ceremonial Figure334Large Marajoara Bowl Type Lid
020Colima Emaciated Male Figure220Vanuatu Ancestor Effigy 336Large Mexican Folk Art Vessel
033Three Pre-Classic Pretty Lady Figures 221Tlingit Beaver Totem with Potlatch Rings342Ancestral Gope Board
040Maya Carved Cylinder222Kachina Doll343Large Gope Board
050Maya Polychrome Decorated Bowl224Two Eskimo Scrimmed Bone Handles (2)359Two African Necklaces
054Pre-Classic Maya Serpentine Maskette229Northern Nigerian Standing Figure360Akan Female Wood Doll
056Costa Rican Tripod Bowl with Relief Head230Ghanian Female Figure365Dogon Style Rounded Mask
060Nicoya Tripod Bowl & Small Face Bowl (2) 232Large Standing Lobi Figure378Two Bronze Vessels
061Panamanian Polychrome Decorated Fruitera 234Senufo Granary Door 381Three Large Holyland Pottery Bowls
080Chavin Decorated Bottle243Pre-Classic Bust & Veracruz Head (2)383Holyland Four Wick Saucer Lamp & Bowl (2)
081Chavin Decorated Blackware Bowl245Nayarit Seated Female Figure with Bowl385Three Pottery Vessels
082Paracas Pottery Vessel with Bird Head246Three Colima Figures (3)386Two Iron Age & Islamic Vessels (4)
089Sican Bronze and Silver Mask248Two Nayarit Figures391Carved Bone Pazzuzu and Winged Eros Pendants (2)
098Huacho Mother and Daughter Figures (2)252Pre-Columbian Stone and Bone Lot (5)404Roman Bronze Bull, Head & Mini Vessel (3)
099Tamalameque Lidded Effigy Vessel255Nopiloa Molded Figural Rattle406Roman Bronze Foot, Bird, Coptic Bone (3)
103Manta Standing Figure 258Aztec Decorated Censer408Roman Bronze Figure
105Chancay Painted Textile263Jaina Ceremonial Rattle 415Ancient Glass Lot (6)
107Chancay Painted Mummy Bundle Faces (2)270Maya Bowl with Incised Decoration416Two Miniature Ancient Glass Tubular Beads
108Hair Wreath271Maya Monkey Bowl419Hellenistic Pottery and Roman Glass (5)
119Pottery Animal279Panamanian Figural Lot (4)425Antiquity Lot (5)
124Three Scythian Bronzes283Colombian Figures & Olla (3)432Bronze Spear, Torque & Korean Spoon (3)
140Roman Marble Bust284Sinu Chalice Bowl435Two Matched European Fibula Pins
142Three Roman Bone Figures290Brownware Bird Bowl437Three Ancient Necklaces
188Roman-Egyptian Limestone Head291Ecuadorian Seated Female Figure452Islamic Pen Case & Powder Flask
189Egyptian Cartonnage 299Olmec Cup & 2 Bones (3)465Tang Figure and 2 Tsa Tsas (3)
193Chinese Bronze Ding303Nicoya Bench Figure with Removable Head & Ecuadorian Blackware Figural Whistle (2) 478Small Bronze Indian Sculpture
194Chinese Bronze Gu307Sican Reyna Vessel479Indian Bronze Nandi
197Chinese Bronze Dragon Fragment308Small Chancay Figure and Huacho Bowl (2)480Indian Bronze Plaque
199Two Tang Dynasty Pottery figures309Chancay Wood Figure487Tibetan Copper & Brass Teapot
200Two Tang Dynasty Pottery figures318Chimu Blackware Monkey Vessel & Moche/Chimu Pinkware Anthrpomorphic Bottle (2)488Tibetan Drum and Gilt Amulet (2)
206Batak Staff322Inca Pottery Aryballos489Large Tibetan Leather Pouch
209Kikori River Kundu323Vicus Mace Head and Inca Canopa (2)493Japanese Carved Wooden Archway
212Sepik River Warriors Canoe Prow Ornament327Chimu/Inca Tumpline494Indian Pottery Lady & Chinese Soapstone Figure (2)
213Hunstein Mountains “Garra” Hook Mask328Ceramic Shoe Vessels (2)500Stone Sphere on Brass Lamp Stand
214“Garra” Sacred Mask329Argentinean Keros and Bowl (3)524Two Transatlantic Cable Sections
215Trobriand Islands Splash Board330Two Argentinean Bowls
217Small Sepik River Drum331Three Small Argentinean Mugs