Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
002 | Tlatilco Standing Figures (2) | 204 | Chavin Carved Bone Implements (3) | 369 | Faience Hare Amulet |
005 | Tlatilco Incised Pottery Bottle | 210 | Moche III-V Seated Warrior Vessel | 375 | Granite Offering Palette |
025 | Colima Standing Jaguar Vessel | 213 | Viru Kneeling Female Figural Bottle | 384 | Islamic Bottle with Applied Trailing |
028 | Colima Smiling Dog | 214 | Moche Grayware Mountain Scene Vessel | 385 | Pale Green Vessels with Threaded Decoration (2) |
029 | Colima Seated Dog with Turned Head | 216 | Vicus Triple Phallus Tripod Vessel | 386 | Two Millifiore Beads and a Glass Bracelet (3) |
031 | Colima Dog Head | 218 | Moche II Blackware Vessel with Inlays | 387 | Small Roman Glass Bowl |
032 | Chinesco Wrinkled Dog | 219 | Moche IV Eagle Vessel | 388 | Roman Glass Bottles (3) |
034 | Colima Avian Vessel | 220 | Moche IV Monkey Vessel | 395 | South Arabian Alabaster Stele |
035 | Colima Triple Ducks Vessel | 225 | Sican Llama Sacrifice Vessel | 397 | Chinese Shang Dynasty Bronze Owl Form Zun |
037 | Colima Pottery Drum Vessel | 242 | Early Shipibo Anthropomorphic Olla | 398 | Pair of Yuan Dynasty Mounted Riders |
039 | Colima Tripod Incense Burner | 243 | Inca Vessel with Squatting Monkey | 399 | Tang Dynasty Pottery Horse |
040 | Colima Seated Figure with Huge Phallus | 244 | Sican Miniature Silver Mask | 402 | Ban Chieng Pedestal Footed Bowl |
044 | Colima Redware Seated Figure | 248 | Sumerian Limestone Ram | 413 | Micmac or Miliseet Indian Needle Case |
046 | Colima Pottery Conch Shell | 249 | Sumerian Shell Panther Applique | 414 | Maori “Waka Huia” Feather Box |
047 | Pihuamo Standing Figure | 251 | Syro-Hittite Miniature Deer Vessel | 418 | Withdrawn lot |
048 | Jalisco Seated Female Hunchback | 253 | Neo-Babylonian Smoky Quartz Pyramidal Seal | 422 | Abelam Post Figure |
049 | Ixtlan del Rio Seated Rasp Player | 255 | Anatolian “Violin” Idol | 423 | Tonga Neckrest |
050 | Ameca Seated Hunchback Male Figure | 257 | Syro-Hittite Miniature Marble Mortar | 436 | Senufo Seated Figure |
051 | Ameca Seated Male Holding Rattle | 260 | Luristan Bronze Bowl | 442 | Dogon Figural Staff |
055 | Chinesco Type “B” Seated Female | 261 | Luristan Bronze Bowl | 447 | Tall Mossi Mask with Horns |
056 | Seated Chinesco Figure | 262 | Luristan Repousee Decorated Bowl | 448 | Mossi Helmet with Horns |
057 | Jalisco Warrior With Captive | 264 | Silvered Bronze Bowl with Fish | 449 | Mossi Bird Helmet |
058 | Ixlan del Rio Seated Male Figure | 265 | Luristan Silvered Bronze Bowl | 456 | Four Brass Cuffs |
059 | Nayarit Standing Warrior with Club & Dog | 266 | Bronze & Stone Miniature Dishes (2) | 457 | Ashanti Bronze Cuffs |
060 | Nayarit Female in Birthing Position | 268 | Ancient Gold Ear Ornaments (4) | 458 | Two Pairs of Bronze Cuffs |
063 | Ixtlan del Rio Mother Holding Child | 271 | Parthian Bronze Pin with Double Bird Finial | 459 | Bronze/Brass Cuffs (4) |
076 | Very Large Colima Flat Male Figure | 272 | Garnet and Crystal Beaded Necklace | 464 | Fon Royal Staff or “Asen” |
081 | Pihuamo Standing Figure with Bowl | 278 | Pottery Bowl Mold | 477 | Idoma Mask |
082 | Colima Figural Dance Group | 281 | Sumerian Green Stone Cup | 483 | Benin Bird of Disaster |
089 | Colima Warrior with Blacksplash | 289 | Cypriot Pottery Duck-form Feeder | 493 | Bembe Male Figure with Gun |
091 | Small Colima Tlaloc Incensario | 294 | Campanian Guttos | 496 | Vili Female Figure |
092 | Colima Palanquin with Bearers | 295 | Etruscan Bronze Reclining Silenus Applique | 497 | Luba-Hemba Male Figure |
093 | Colima Flat Male & Female Figures (2) | 296 | Campanian Guttos | 498 | Teke Nkisi Figure |
094 | Two Colima “Gingerbread” Figures | 299 | Black Glazed Olpes (3) | 499 | Vili Overmodeled Ape Skull |
095 | Two Colima Flat Pretty Ladies | 300 | Black Glazed Kylix | 507 | Chupicuaro Blackware Figural Vessel |
098 | Colima Mother & Child Figures (2) | 303 | Withdrawn Lot | 509 | Colima Mother Holding Child & Standing Figure (2) |
100 | Michoacan Decorated Chalice | 310 | Roman Fresco Fragment | 515 | Monte Alban Tlaloc Jars (3) |
101 | Michoacan Square Bottle | 311 | Syro-Hittite Stone Bull Head | 520 | Tairona Blackware Vessel with Bird |
103 | Pottery Teapot Vessel | 312 | Roman Bronze Rabbit Applique | 522 | Vicus Feline Vessel |
108 | Michoacan Pottery Pipes (2) | 313 | Roman Bronze Leg | 523 | Moche Pelican and Vicus Avian Vessels (2) |
114 | Veracruz Stone Hacha | 314 | Roman Bronze Phallus with Testicles | 525 | Pre-Columbian Pottery Animal Vessels (2) |
115 | Mixtec Shell on Wood Mask | 315 | Roman Bronze Duck | 526 | Chimu Blackware Gadrooned Vessel |
121 | Veracruz Shaman Figure | 319 | Roman Gladiator Signed Oil Lamp | 529 | Pre-Columbian Bird Heads & Bowl (4) |
122 | Veracruz Throne Figure | 323 | Roman Oil Lamp with Charging Bull | 531 | Seated Bronze Bearded Figure |
146 | Maya Polychrome Decorated Plate | 331 | Byzantine Icon Roundel | 532 | Large Silver Clothing Pin and Bronze Surgical Tool (2) |
152 | Maya Polychrome Decorated Bowl | 333 | Roman Gold & Black/Green Jasper Intaglio Ring | 538 | Roman Holyland Bottle and Bowl (2) |
154 | Maya Polychrome Decorated Vase | 334 | Bronze Mounted Rider Intaglio Ring | 539 | Black Glazed Kothon and Kylix (2) |
160 | Chama Type Partial Maya Vase | 335 | Egyptian Seated Boatman | 546 | Coptic Textile Fragments (2) |
162 | Large Maya Molded Figure | 336 | Pre-Dynastic Basalt Mortar | 550 | Ancient Glass Bottles (4) |
168 | Jaina Molded Whistling Figure | 340 | Egyptian Stone Bird & Fly Necklace Parts (5) | 557 | Fiji “Ula” Club |
172 | Maya Molded Figure | 353 | Large Standing Figures of Osiris (2) | 558 | Papago Woven Basket |
175 | Maya Blackware Howling Dog Vessel | 355 | Encrusted Bronze Osiris Figures (2) | 559 | Woven Basket |
177 | Costa Rican Warrior with Trophy Head | 356 | Bronze Osiris Figures (4) | 563 | Senufo Harp Instrument |
184 | Nicaragua Censer Lid | 357 | Two Fragmented Osiris Busts and a Crown Part (3) | 568 | Bronze Bracelets (6) |
191 | Vicus Gold Repousse Nose Ornament | 364 | Egyptian Stone Tapered Jar | 576 | Asen or Fon Royal Staff |
198 | Salinar Pottery Head Vessel | 366 | Egyptian Decorated Bronze Situla | 577 | Nigerian Female |