Arte Primitivo
Howard S. Rose Gallery
3 East 65th Street New York, NY 10021 212.570.6999 Fax: 212.570.1899

Fine Pre-Columbian and Tribal Art, Classical and Asian Antiquities #79 UNSOLD LIST

Lot#Descr Lot#Descr Lot#Descr
002Tlatilco Standing Figures (2)204Chavin Carved Bone Implements (3)369Faience Hare Amulet
005Tlatilco Incised Pottery Bottle210Moche III-V Seated Warrior Vessel375Granite Offering Palette
025Colima Standing Jaguar Vessel 213Viru Kneeling Female Figural Bottle384Islamic Bottle with Applied Trailing
028Colima Smiling Dog214Moche Grayware Mountain Scene Vessel385Pale Green Vessels with Threaded Decoration (2)
029Colima Seated Dog with Turned Head216Vicus Triple Phallus Tripod Vessel386Two Millifiore Beads and a Glass Bracelet (3)
031Colima Dog Head218Moche II Blackware Vessel with Inlays387Small Roman Glass Bowl
032Chinesco Wrinkled Dog219Moche IV Eagle Vessel388Roman Glass Bottles (3)
034Colima Avian Vessel220Moche IV Monkey Vessel395South Arabian Alabaster Stele
035Colima Triple Ducks Vessel225Sican Llama Sacrifice Vessel397Chinese Shang Dynasty Bronze Owl Form Zun
037Colima Pottery Drum Vessel 242Early Shipibo Anthropomorphic Olla398Pair of Yuan Dynasty Mounted Riders
039Colima Tripod Incense Burner243Inca Vessel with Squatting Monkey399Tang Dynasty Pottery Horse
040Colima Seated Figure with Huge Phallus244Sican Miniature Silver Mask402Ban Chieng Pedestal Footed Bowl
044Colima Redware Seated Figure248Sumerian Limestone Ram413Micmac or Miliseet Indian Needle Case
046Colima Pottery Conch Shell 249Sumerian Shell Panther Applique414Maori “Waka Huia” Feather Box
047Pihuamo Standing Figure251Syro-Hittite Miniature Deer Vessel418Withdrawn lot
048Jalisco Seated Female Hunchback253Neo-Babylonian Smoky Quartz Pyramidal Seal422Abelam Post Figure
049Ixtlan del Rio Seated Rasp Player255Anatolian “Violin” Idol423Tonga Neckrest
050Ameca Seated Hunchback Male Figure 257Syro-Hittite Miniature Marble Mortar436Senufo Seated Figure
051Ameca Seated Male Holding Rattle 260Luristan Bronze Bowl442Dogon Figural Staff
055Chinesco Type “B” Seated Female 261Luristan Bronze Bowl447Tall Mossi Mask with Horns
056Seated Chinesco Figure262Luristan Repousee Decorated Bowl448Mossi Helmet with Horns
057Jalisco Warrior With Captive 264Silvered Bronze Bowl with Fish449Mossi Bird Helmet
058Ixlan del Rio Seated Male Figure 265Luristan Silvered Bronze Bowl456Four Brass Cuffs
059Nayarit Standing Warrior with Club & Dog266Bronze & Stone Miniature Dishes (2)457Ashanti Bronze Cuffs
060Nayarit Female in Birthing Position268Ancient Gold Ear Ornaments (4)458Two Pairs of Bronze Cuffs
063Ixtlan del Rio Mother Holding Child271Parthian Bronze Pin with Double Bird Finial459Bronze/Brass Cuffs (4)
076Very Large Colima Flat Male Figure272Garnet and Crystal Beaded Necklace464Fon Royal Staff or “Asen”
081Pihuamo Standing Figure with Bowl278Pottery Bowl Mold477Idoma Mask
082Colima Figural Dance Group281Sumerian Green Stone Cup483Benin Bird of Disaster
089Colima Warrior with Blacksplash289Cypriot Pottery Duck-form Feeder493Bembe Male Figure with Gun
091Small Colima Tlaloc Incensario294Campanian Guttos496Vili Female Figure
092Colima Palanquin with Bearers295Etruscan Bronze Reclining Silenus Applique497Luba-Hemba Male Figure
093Colima Flat Male & Female Figures (2)296Campanian Guttos498Teke Nkisi Figure
094Two Colima “Gingerbread” Figures299Black Glazed Olpes (3)499Vili Overmodeled Ape Skull
095Two Colima Flat Pretty Ladies300Black Glazed Kylix507Chupicuaro Blackware Figural Vessel
098Colima Mother & Child Figures (2)303Withdrawn Lot509Colima Mother Holding Child & Standing Figure (2)
100Michoacan Decorated Chalice310Roman Fresco Fragment515Monte Alban Tlaloc Jars (3)
101Michoacan Square Bottle311Syro-Hittite Stone Bull Head520Tairona Blackware Vessel with Bird
103Pottery Teapot Vessel312Roman Bronze Rabbit Applique522Vicus Feline Vessel
108Michoacan Pottery Pipes (2)313Roman Bronze Leg523Moche Pelican and Vicus Avian Vessels (2)
114Veracruz Stone Hacha314Roman Bronze Phallus with Testicles525Pre-Columbian Pottery Animal Vessels (2)
115Mixtec Shell on Wood Mask315Roman Bronze Duck526Chimu Blackware Gadrooned Vessel
121Veracruz Shaman Figure319Roman Gladiator Signed Oil Lamp 529Pre-Columbian Bird Heads & Bowl (4)
122Veracruz Throne Figure323Roman Oil Lamp with Charging Bull531Seated Bronze Bearded Figure
146Maya Polychrome Decorated Plate331Byzantine Icon Roundel532Large Silver Clothing Pin and Bronze Surgical Tool (2)
152Maya Polychrome Decorated Bowl333Roman Gold & Black/Green Jasper Intaglio Ring538Roman Holyland Bottle and Bowl (2)
154Maya Polychrome Decorated Vase334Bronze Mounted Rider Intaglio Ring539Black Glazed Kothon and Kylix (2)
160Chama Type Partial Maya Vase335Egyptian Seated Boatman546Coptic Textile Fragments (2)
162Large Maya Molded Figure336Pre-Dynastic Basalt Mortar550Ancient Glass Bottles (4)
168Jaina Molded Whistling Figure340Egyptian Stone Bird & Fly Necklace Parts (5)557Fiji “Ula” Club
172Maya Molded Figure353Large Standing Figures of Osiris (2)558Papago Woven Basket
175Maya Blackware Howling Dog Vessel355Encrusted Bronze Osiris Figures (2)559Woven Basket
177Costa Rican Warrior with Trophy Head356Bronze Osiris Figures (4)563Senufo Harp Instrument
184Nicaragua Censer Lid 357Two Fragmented Osiris Busts and a Crown Part (3)568Bronze Bracelets (6)
191Vicus Gold Repousse Nose Ornament364Egyptian Stone Tapered Jar576Asen or Fon Royal Staff
198Salinar Pottery Head Vessel366Egyptian Decorated Bronze Situla577Nigerian Female