Arte Primitivo
Howard S. Rose Gallery
3 East 65th Street New York, NY 10021 212.570.6999 Fax: 212.570.1899

Fine Pre-Columbian, Tribal Art & Classical Antiquities UNSOLD LIST

Lot#Descr Lot#Descr Lot#Descr
003Olmecoid Jade Celts (2)278Marajo Incised and Painted Pottery Dish447Egyptian Stone Figure of Anubis
007Olmec Greenstone Transformational Figure 279Marajo Stepped Olla & Lidded Jar (2)454Pale Blue Faience Button Scarabs & Amulets of Toth (4)
012Xochipala Alabaster Cylinder Vases (2)286Babylonian Stone Duck Seals (3)458Molded Figure of Harpokrates with Enlarged Phallus
034Tlatilco Pottery Figural Busts (2) 288Terracotta Biscuit with Cuneiform Text461Islamic Bronze Vessels (2)
059Chupicuaro Small Figures (6) 296Two Unusual Round Terracotta Tablets with Cuneiform Writing463Nishapur Baluster Shape Vase
095Two Pairs of Archaic Male Colima Figures (4) 298Three Cuneiform Tablets One with Partial Envelope (3)465Group of 9 Bronze Age to Hellenistic Pottery Vessels
100Large Colima Seated Drinker Figure 299Ancient Gold, Silver & Bronze Ancient Bracelets (7)470Three Phoenician Glass Face Beads
103Colima Standing Warrior Wielding Club 304Luristan Noded Bronze & Silver Bracelets & Latch (6)472Group of 15 Glass Bangle Bracelets
104Colima Standing Warrior with Backsplash & Wielding Club 305Three Luristan Bronze Animal-form Pin Handles473Roman Iridescent Glass Jars (2)
106Colima Large Seated Figure with Jester’s Collar 306Luristan Bronze Animals (5)477Pale Green Glass Bowl with Wheel Cut Bands
108Colima Acrobat with Bowl 319Roman Molded Terracotta Oil Lamp483Roman Light Green Glass Cup
114Colima Figure Seated on Phallus321Greco-Roman Silver Actor’s Maskette 492Mughul Gold & Ruby Pendant
116Colima Seated Dog 323Parthian Gold Earrings493Indian Royal Pendant with Gold and Precious Stones
118Jalisco Standing Pregnant Dog 327Kilia Heads (3)500Maiolica Albarello with Noah and the Ark Scene
119Colima Dog-Form Dome335Attic Black Figure Skyphos501Early English Cross Bow
122Colima Turtle Vessel349Xenon Sessile Kantharos & Gnathian Skyphos (2)518Siassi Island Carved Wooden Food Dish
139Jalisco Ameca Female with Bowl 355Syrian Limestone Bust of a Youth520Philippine Seated Bulul Figure
148Monumental Nayarit Matching Pair356Syrian Limestone Bust540Pair of Tall Standing Iron Figures
160Veracruz Monumental Standing Deity357Syrian Limestone Bust542Two Mossi Abstract Dolls
180Maya Lidded Jaguar Incensario360Sabean Alabaster Tripod Altar543Two Large Mossi Wooden Flutes
187Maya Seated Figural Urn 362Roman Bronze Hippocampus with Rider545Two Mossi Medium Sized Wooden Flutes
192Maya Polychrome Decorated Pottery Figure363Roman Bronze Mythological Figure547Bamun Helmet Mask
199Mixtec Jade Penate & Gold Necklace373Roman Bronze Eros & Bust (2) 554Standing Mumuye Male Figure
210Chavin Lentoid Vessel with Incised Geometrics377Roman Red Jasper Cameo of a Bearded Man569Fipa Fetish Figure
211Chavin Pottery Vessel with Ring Design on Stipple Ground387Roman Silver Mirror571Early Hardwood Carving of Standing Prisoners
213Colombian Axe & Five Celts in Three Frames388Fine Hellenistic Small Terracotta Head of Silenus 575Chupicuaro Oblong Face Bowl & Two Polychrome Bowls (3)
215Tamalameque Lidded Effigy Vessel390Late Roman Bone Figure of Aphrodite578Chupicuaro & Colima Head Pot Vessels (2)
222Paracas Stirrup Vessel with Bird’s Head399Hellenistic Gold Pomegranate & Amphora Pendants (2)581Colima Pottery Head Vessels (2)
224Paracas Pottery Plaque/Plate with Incised Zoomorph406Roman Gold Shell-Form Earrings590Maya Mouse Bowl, Armadillo Whistle & Molded Man (3)
228Moche Blackware Erotic Vessel414Egyptian Gold Plaque614Marajoara Small Decorated Bowl
240Large Fine-Line Painted Warrior Vessel418Thinite Diorite or Basalt Lentoid Flask615Marajoara Unusual Double Pottery Vessel
254Inca Shell Player & Phytomorphic Vessel423Faience Jar with Eared Lugs626Roman Bronze Applique and Handle (2)
255Inca Stone Canopa430Egyptian Green Glazed Late Period Ushabti630Two Pairs of Late Byzantine Silver Earrings
271Sihuas Textile431Olive Green Faience Ushabti633Two Egyptian Bronze Embryonic Sarcophagi (2)
273Marajoara Decorated Lobed Olla432Green Glazed & Pale Blue Upper Ushabti (2)638Bronze Seals, Oil Lamp, Lock Parts & Spoon (6)
274Marajoara Bowl with Carved Decoration433Egyptianizing Bronze Harpokrates640Four Late Byzantine/Islamic Silver Finger Rings
275Marajoara Redware Incised Olla440Egyptian Sarcophagus Panel
277Arari Redware Incised Ovular Bowl446Faience Openwork Uzat Eye