Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
Lot# | Descr |
003 | Olmecoid Jade Celts (2) | 278 | Marajo Incised and Painted Pottery Dish | 447 | Egyptian Stone Figure of Anubis |
007 | Olmec Greenstone Transformational Figure | 279 | Marajo Stepped Olla & Lidded Jar (2) | 454 | Pale Blue Faience Button Scarabs & Amulets of Toth (4) |
012 | Xochipala Alabaster Cylinder Vases (2) | 286 | Babylonian Stone Duck Seals (3) | 458 | Molded Figure of Harpokrates with Enlarged Phallus |
034 | Tlatilco Pottery Figural Busts (2) | 288 | Terracotta Biscuit with Cuneiform Text | 461 | Islamic Bronze Vessels (2) |
059 | Chupicuaro Small Figures (6) | 296 | Two Unusual Round Terracotta Tablets with Cuneiform Writing | 463 | Nishapur Baluster Shape Vase |
095 | Two Pairs of Archaic Male Colima Figures (4) | 298 | Three Cuneiform Tablets One with Partial Envelope (3) | 465 | Group of 9 Bronze Age to Hellenistic Pottery Vessels |
100 | Large Colima Seated Drinker Figure | 299 | Ancient Gold, Silver & Bronze Ancient Bracelets (7) | 470 | Three Phoenician Glass Face Beads |
103 | Colima Standing Warrior Wielding Club | 304 | Luristan Noded Bronze & Silver Bracelets & Latch (6) | 472 | Group of 15 Glass Bangle Bracelets |
104 | Colima Standing Warrior with Backsplash & Wielding Club | 305 | Three Luristan Bronze Animal-form Pin Handles | 473 | Roman Iridescent Glass Jars (2) |
106 | Colima Large Seated Figure with Jester’s Collar | 306 | Luristan Bronze Animals (5) | 477 | Pale Green Glass Bowl with Wheel Cut Bands |
108 | Colima Acrobat with Bowl | 319 | Roman Molded Terracotta Oil Lamp | 483 | Roman Light Green Glass Cup |
114 | Colima Figure Seated on Phallus | 321 | Greco-Roman Silver Actor’s Maskette | 492 | Mughul Gold & Ruby Pendant |
116 | Colima Seated Dog | 323 | Parthian Gold Earrings | 493 | Indian Royal Pendant with Gold and Precious Stones |
118 | Jalisco Standing Pregnant Dog | 327 | Kilia Heads (3) | 500 | Maiolica Albarello with Noah and the Ark Scene |
119 | Colima Dog-Form Dome | 335 | Attic Black Figure Skyphos | 501 | Early English Cross Bow |
122 | Colima Turtle Vessel | 349 | Xenon Sessile Kantharos & Gnathian Skyphos (2) | 518 | Siassi Island Carved Wooden Food Dish |
139 | Jalisco Ameca Female with Bowl | 355 | Syrian Limestone Bust of a Youth | 520 | Philippine Seated Bulul Figure |
148 | Monumental Nayarit Matching Pair | 356 | Syrian Limestone Bust | 540 | Pair of Tall Standing Iron Figures |
160 | Veracruz Monumental Standing Deity | 357 | Syrian Limestone Bust | 542 | Two Mossi Abstract Dolls |
180 | Maya Lidded Jaguar Incensario | 360 | Sabean Alabaster Tripod Altar | 543 | Two Large Mossi Wooden Flutes |
187 | Maya Seated Figural Urn | 362 | Roman Bronze Hippocampus with Rider | 545 | Two Mossi Medium Sized Wooden Flutes |
192 | Maya Polychrome Decorated Pottery Figure | 363 | Roman Bronze Mythological Figure | 547 | Bamun Helmet Mask |
199 | Mixtec Jade Penate & Gold Necklace | 373 | Roman Bronze Eros & Bust (2) | 554 | Standing Mumuye Male Figure |
210 | Chavin Lentoid Vessel with Incised Geometrics | 377 | Roman Red Jasper Cameo of a Bearded Man | 569 | Fipa Fetish Figure |
211 | Chavin Pottery Vessel with Ring Design on Stipple Ground | 387 | Roman Silver Mirror | 571 | Early Hardwood Carving of Standing Prisoners |
213 | Colombian Axe & Five Celts in Three Frames | 388 | Fine Hellenistic Small Terracotta Head of Silenus | 575 | Chupicuaro Oblong Face Bowl & Two Polychrome Bowls (3) |
215 | Tamalameque Lidded Effigy Vessel | 390 | Late Roman Bone Figure of Aphrodite | 578 | Chupicuaro & Colima Head Pot Vessels (2) |
222 | Paracas Stirrup Vessel with Bird’s Head | 399 | Hellenistic Gold Pomegranate & Amphora Pendants (2) | 581 | Colima Pottery Head Vessels (2) |
224 | Paracas Pottery Plaque/Plate with Incised Zoomorph | 406 | Roman Gold Shell-Form Earrings | 590 | Maya Mouse Bowl, Armadillo Whistle & Molded Man (3) |
228 | Moche Blackware Erotic Vessel | 414 | Egyptian Gold Plaque | 614 | Marajoara Small Decorated Bowl |
240 | Large Fine-Line Painted Warrior Vessel | 418 | Thinite Diorite or Basalt Lentoid Flask | 615 | Marajoara Unusual Double Pottery Vessel |
254 | Inca Shell Player & Phytomorphic Vessel | 423 | Faience Jar with Eared Lugs | 626 | Roman Bronze Applique and Handle (2) |
255 | Inca Stone Canopa | 430 | Egyptian Green Glazed Late Period Ushabti | 630 | Two Pairs of Late Byzantine Silver Earrings |
271 | Sihuas Textile | 431 | Olive Green Faience Ushabti | 633 | Two Egyptian Bronze Embryonic Sarcophagi (2) |
273 | Marajoara Decorated Lobed Olla | 432 | Green Glazed & Pale Blue Upper Ushabti (2) | 638 | Bronze Seals, Oil Lamp, Lock Parts & Spoon (6) |
274 | Marajoara Bowl with Carved Decoration | 433 | Egyptianizing Bronze Harpokrates | 640 | Four Late Byzantine/Islamic Silver Finger Rings |
275 | Marajoara Redware Incised Olla | 440 | Egyptian Sarcophagus Panel |
277 | Arari Redware Incised Ovular Bowl | 446 | Faience Openwork Uzat Eye |