Arte Primitivo
Howard S. Rose Gallery
3 East 65th Street New York, NY 10021 212.570.6999 Fax: 212.570.1899

Pre-Columbian, Tribal Art, Classical and Classical Antiquities, 95 UNSOLD LIST

Lot#Descr Lot#Descr Lot#Descr
001Olmec Miniature Seated Figure 261Narino Figural Amphora449Pair of Chiwara Antelope
007Xochipala Blackware Bowl262Chimila Lidded Burial Urn 451Brass/Bronze Necklace with Charms
008Olmecoid Figure, Tlatilco Pretty Lady & Miniature Altar (3)266Ecuadorian Pedistal Bowls (4)452Mossi Flutes (3)
013Mezcala Speckled Serpentine Human Face Mask267Tularosa Plainware Corrugated Bowl & 11 Ecuadorian Vessels (12)455Architectural Dogon Figure
018Chupicuaro Squatting Figures & Miniature Grouping (3)268Chavin Grayware Stirrup Vessel461Ashanti Brass Maskettes (3)
020Tlatilco Pretty Ladies (3)270Chavin Redware Vessel465Mambila Marriage Fetish Figure
030Tlatilco Pottery Bottles (3)271Chavin Gray Ware Bottle 466Terracotta Bell-Shape Chalice
032Chupicuaro Pinched & Boat Shape Bowls (2)275Two Paracas Incised Bowls468Bamileke Horn
034Chupicuaro Four Small Vessels (4)277Salinar Orangeware Jug with Two Figures472Female Ibeji Figures (3)
035Pre-Classic Mammary Tripod Bowls (3)284Moche III-V Seated Warrior Vessel477Female Ibeji Twins with Crested Updo (2)
040Chupicuaro Decorated Bowl 289Moche Gold & Turquoise Necklace480Bura Votive Phallus
045Chupicuaro Decorated Bowl 290Nazca Polychrome Manioc Root Bowl483Fang Style Bust
051Chupicuaro Bowl with Diamond Shaped Decoration291Nazca Decorated Bean Bowl488Lega Button Hat
054Michoacan Small Decorated Bowls (5)292Nazca Globular Vessel489Luba/Hemba Prestige Axe
063Colima Redware Squat Olla & Noded Jar (2)294Nazca Flared Kero & Sican Blackware Vessel (2)498Kuba “Mukyeem” Mask
064Colima Tripod Parrot Legged Olla 297Huari Decorated Cup501Maasai “Rungu” Staff
066Michoacan Decorated Chalice298Huari Polychrome Decorated Bottle502Zulu Knobkerry
067Colima Redware Ollas (2)301Tiahuanaco Cat Head Vessel504Hair Pick with Bird & Fish
072Jalisco Decorated Bowl302Tiahuanaco Stone Llama Scepter507Acheulean Hand Axes and Neolithic Adze (3)
074Nayarit Double Tiered Vessel & Panamanian Shoe Vessel (2)303Inca or Tiahuanaco Double Pacha Vessel512Egyptian Neolithic Arrow Point
075Jalisco Foot Vessel306Chimu Blackware Figural Vessel515Danish Neolithic Adze Blades (2)
077West Mexico Ceramic Termite Hill307Chimu Blackware Vessel with Prone Monkey518English Paleolithic & Mesolithic Tools (43)
078Colima & Nayarit Vessels (5)308Chimu Blackware Figural Vessel527Luristan Bronze Figure, Etruscan Pin & Bracelet (3)
079Colima Decorated Covered Bowl309Chimu-Inca Feline Vessel & Inca Bowl (2)529Etruscan Funnel/Strainer & Amlash Bronze Arrowhead (2)
080Colima Redware Reclinario310Chimu Silver Crescent Pectoral Ornament531Luristan Small Bronze Bowl & Bell (2)
081Pre-Classic Animal Head & Nayarit Anthropomorphic Olla with Puppy (2)312Miscellaneous Copper Tupus, Ornaments & Bowl (15)535Ancient Bronze Lot (5)
082Colima Miniature Head Vessel313Gilt Copper Roundels & Copper Tupu (3)537Fibula Pins, Anglo-Saxon Bronze Buckle & English Iron Key (5)
091Colima Palanquin with Bearers314Chimu Silver Pectorals (3) 539Hurivan Type Bronze Spear Blade
106Zapotec Dog & Jalisco Female Figure (2)316Inca Copper Kero546Sumerian Stone Figures & Animals (6)
111Colima Shaman & Warriors (4)322Chancay Cuchimilco Female Figure548Mesopotamian Diorite Square Vessel
123Small Colima Tlaloc Incensario324Chancay Standing Female Figure 551Early Bronze Age Decorated Bowl
124Colima Very Large Warrior with Club 325Five Chancay Items552Indus Valley Fertility Goddess Heads (2)
127Pihuamo Seated Female Figural Vessel328Chancay Wooden Earspool & Toucan Stopper (2)553Ancient Pottery Vessels (3)
129Colima Shaman Figure Squating on Haunches329Chancay Textile Tumpline & Wooden Staff (2)555Holyland Export-Ware Tel El Yahudiya Vessel
131Colima Seated Figure with Bowl330Inca Wooden Lid, Miniature Canopa & Bone Flute (3)556Cananite Lidded Jar
135Colima Seated Hunchback Figure with Rattle331Inca Hardstone Canopas (2)557Decorated Drinking Vessel, Oil Lamp, Pipe Bowl & Crucible (4)
137Standing Colima Figure with Club332Huari Textile Panel561Cypriot Export Ware Flask
139Zacatecas Seated Female Figure333Chancay Gauze with Embroidered Birds563Kilia Marble Head
145Jalisco Large Seated Male336Marajoara Decorated Lobed Olla567Amphora Shaped Alabaster Jarlet
149Ixtlan del Rio Female Figure Holding Bowl338Large Marajoara Bowl Type Lid570Hellenistic Votive Vessel on Column
151Nayarit Seated Male & Female Figures339Marajoara Lidded Jars (2)571Hellenistic Marble Amphoriskos
152Nayarit Pottery Figure of a Pregnant Woman340Marajoara Decorated Pot and Small Incised Bowl (2)572Etruscan Askos & Cycladic Pottery Vessel (2)
153Nayarit Standing Male Musician341Marajoara Ceramic Pedestal/Seats of Power (3)573Greek Pottery Baby Feeder
155Mahogany Obsidian Awl342Marajoara Tangas (3)576Daunian Ware Funnel Krater
161Pre-Columbian Stone Tools (5)343Marajoara Redware Tangas (3)578Greco-Roman Molded Head, Amphora & Goddess Head (3)
162Strands of Shell & Stone Beads (2)345Timoteo Venezuelan Figure 579Roman Bronze Fibula Pins (3)
165Veracruz Alabaster Bowl346Venezuelan Seated Bench Figure581Roman-Celtic Bronze Folding Knife Handle
167Monte Alban Pottery Jug347Timoteo Standing Female Figure 582Roman Bronze Votive Feet (2)
168Zapotec Carved Cylinder Vase 348La Aguada Ceramic Bowl 584Roman Glass Head
169Zapotec Decorated Cylinder Vase349Three Small Argentinean Mugs585Roman Bronze Oinochoe Handle
170Mixtec Censer & Monte Alban Spouted Vessel (2)350Two Decorated Ceramic Bowls587Roman Pottery Baby Feeders (4)
173Huastec Teapot Vessel with Human Face352Argentine Stone Zoomorphic Bowl592Parthian Small Clay Bullae (5)
175Huastec Zoomorphic Urn353Pre-Columbian Pottery Lot (6)593Parthian Medium Clay Bullae (5)
176Mixtec Tripod Olla358Colonial Silver Tupus (2)594Parthian Small Clay Bullae (2)
179El Chanal Incensario with Warrior362Native American Vessels (3)595Parthian Clay Bullae with Animal Impressions (5)
181Huastec Spouted Vessel363Pueblo Earthenware Vessels (6)600Sassanian Stone Seals (4)
182Tarascan “Teapot” Vessel364Pueblo Decorated Vessels (7)601Byzantine Rings & Partial Ring (3)
183Aztec/Mixtec Miniature Vessel & Pedestal Dishes (3)366Native American Embroidered Pouches (2)603Roman Glass Bottles (3)
186Aztec Decorated Pottery Brazier368Native American Lidded Baskets (4)604Roman Glass Sprinkler Bottle
187Aztec Painted Bowl369Native American Baskets (4)610Roman Janus Head Glass Bottle
188Aztec Decorated Bowls (3)374Han Dynasty Copper Dagger612Roman Double Chamber Balsamarium
190Maya Pottery Bowl 383Han Dynasty Pottery Hut614Roman Bowl, Bottle & Spindle Vial (3)
191Maya Orangeware-Plumbate Pottery Cylinder385Khmer Small Bronze Lakshmi620Egyptian New Kingdom Sandals
195Maya Incised Cylinder & Mexican Ollas (3)386Indian Carved Stone Votive Oil Lamp621New Kingdom Papyrus Sandals
197Maya Monkey Vessel & Figural Pot (2)394Chinese Glazed Ceramic Foo Dog & Shoes (3)622Egyptian Miniature Stone Lidded Jars (2)
198Pre-Classic Maya Rodent Vessel & Small Frog Dish (2)395Miscellaneous Asian Lot (9)625Egyptian Alabaster Vase
199Maya Carved Blackware Bowl396Two Japanese Triptych Prints626Egyptian Framed Faience Mummy Bead Necklace
201Maya Plumbate Rattle Vessel401Chinese Small Silver Lidded Tea Cups (2)627Egyptian Stone Tapered Jar
202Maya Tripod Plate & Lidded Urn (2)404Native American, Pre-Columbian Bowls & Ancient Vessels (5)628Glass Heart Bottle, Alabastron Amulet & Scarab (3)
206Maya Molded Singing Figure405Karaja Pottery Dolls (2)629Egyptian Bowls, Fragments & Amulets (10)
209Maya Hunchback Kneeling Male Figure407Bali Figural Kris Handle630Lapis Ba Bird Amulet & Two Uzat Eyes (3)
213Maya Small Figures (3)408Wooden Tattoo Forms (2)631Egyptian Small Vessels (3)
214Maya Figures & Head (3)409Small Timor Horn & Wood Spoons (2)637Egyptian Ptah Sokar Ensemble
217Pre-Maya Stone Figure & Head (2)411Lombok Erotic Carving639Egyptian Paste Glass Finger Ring
219Pre-Columbian Shell Ring, Bone & Stone Necklace Parts (5)412Large Burmese Guardian Figure641Egyptian Faience Uzat Eye Amulets (2)
221Mixtec Green Stone Pendants (2)414Indonesian Pig Terracotta642Egyptian Uzat Eyes (8)
222Maya Jade Implement415Indonesian Spoon & Bowl (2)643Egyptian Amulet & Pottery Lot (13)
223Costa Rican Jade Tubular Bead416Batak Figural Tobacco Box644Ushabti Fragment & Harpocrates Amulet (2)
228Diquis Redware Trophy Heads (2)417Dayak Mask646Egyptian Seated Bronze Maat Figure
231Costa Rican Bowl & Vessel Leg (2)418Dayak Hudoq Mask647Egyptian Painted Wooden Ushabtis (3)
232Diquis Stone Mortar420Boiken Culture Carved Wooden Bowl with Tortoise Design648Egyptian Faience Ushabtis (5)
233Costa Rican Baluster Shape Vessel with Jaguar Head421Boiken Bowl with Stylized Bird654Egyptian Terracotta Aphrodite
237Costa Rican Baluster Shape Urn422Boiken Culture Carved Wooden Food Bowl658Egyptian Seated Icthyphallic Figure
238Costa Rican Miniature Redware Incised Vessels (3) 423Sepik River Heads (4)659Roman-Egyptian Bes Votive Plaque
239Costa Rican Oblong Pottery Bowl425Kundu Wooden Drum661Roman-Egypt Gold Choker Chain
243Cocle Decorated Bowl & Fruitera (2)427Gope Spirit Board662Roman-Egypt Alabaster Vessel
244Tonosi Decorated Olla 430Trobriand Soul Boat664Coptic Bone, Cloth & Two Bronzes (4)
245Cocle Decorated Olla & Fruitera (2)432Figural Slingshots (2)665Coptic Large Textile Fragments (3)
246Cocle Pedestal Bowl, Vessel & Turtle (3)434Large Seated Lagoons Female Figure667Holywater Flasks (2)
248Costa Rican Tumbaga Lizard & Copper Zoomorph (2)435Senufo Small Female Figure669Persian Lamps & Vases (4)
250Tairona Carnelian Wand Mortar441Dan Incised Wooden Bowls674Decorated Bronze Vessel & Mortar (2)
253Narino Whistles & Miniature Vessels (8)443Lobi Figural Slingshot & Heddle Pulley (2)676English Chamber Pot Set (2)
255Tairona Pottery Shell Ocarina444Mossi Doll
260Narino Three Chambered Container445Large Mossi Doll