Arte Primitivo
Howard S. Rose Gallery
3 East 65th Street New York, NY 10021 212.570.6999 Fax: 212.570.1899

Fine Pre-Columbian & Tribal Art, Classical, Egyptian and Asian Antiquities #117 UNSOLD LIST

Lot#Descr Lot#Descr Lot#Descr
009Olmec Decorated Pottery Vessel 130Cocle Anthropomorphic Vessel449Large Nok Pottery Figure
012Olmec Grayware Bowl with Carved Roundel 136Casas Grandes Decorated Olla450Nok Female Figure
013Olmec Standing Figure143Casas Grandes Vessel with Animal Head 461Hemba Male Figure Holding Staff
024Olmec Jadeite Celt150Fine Maya Stucco Deity Head462Female Figure
029Tlatilco / Morelos Pre-Classic Female152Maya Relief Carved Double Chambered Cylinder Vase468Lovale or Luena Mask
033Guerrero Serpentine Stone Maskette 159Maya Polychrome Skirted Bowl 476Scandinavian Mesolithic Stone Tool
036Mezcala Stone Head with Shaman’s Horn Pectoral160Maya Large Decorated Bowl 477Scandinavian Mesolithic Stone Tools (2)
038Mezcala Stone Standing Figures (2)176Maya Bird Decorated Bowl478Scandinavian Mesolithic Stone Tools (3)
042Pre-Classic Puebla & San Geronimo Figures (2)197Cocle Polychrome Decorated Olla 480Scandinavian Mesolithic Stone Tools (4)
043Chupicuaro Mammary & Tripod Bowls (3) 200Cocle Polychrome Decorated Pedestal Bowl 481Scandinavian Mesolithic Stone Tools (4)
051Colima Warrior Figure with Sling Shot 202Cocle Anthropomorphic Vessel482Scandinavian Mesolithic Stone Tools (5)
052Jalisco Sitting Woman, Right Arm Extended 206Cocle Anthropomorphic Vessel493South Arabian Gold Stamp Seal
056Jalisco Redware Seated Wrestler224Quimbaya Small Retablo Type Figure 507Luristan Bronze Bracelet
060Jalisco Seated Woman Resting on Knee 245Chavin Blackware Decorated Bottle517Mameluke Marble Mortar
063Jalisco Kneeling Female Figure315Chancay Blackware Rotund Seated Figure529Daunian Decorated Funnel Krater
067Jalisco Sheep Face Seated Figure 349Sihuas Textile Panel 531Roman Bronze Sitting Dog
069San Juanito Standing Old Man Carrying a Large Bowl 350Chancay Painted Textile Panel548Roman/Byzantine Mirror (2 Parts) & Silvered Copper Patera (2)
072Withdrawn lot358Nazca Stepped Decorated Textile Panel 555Byzantine Decorated Bronze Latch
074Chinesco Kneeling Female Singer Figure 380Dayak Mandau Sword with Scabbard 562Gallo-Roman Bronze Chariot Axle Hubs (2)
076Chinesco Seated Figure with Splayed Legs 393Hawaiian Wooden Poi Bowl 573Egyptian Steatite Schist Portrait Head of a Nubian Male
080Chinesco “Type B” Sitting Armadillo Vessel 397Mt. Hagen Adze574Egyptian Rare 3-Color Faience Ushabti
086Nayarit Seated Woman Holding Bowl 406Dogon Granary Lock 576Limestone Head of an Official
088Nayarit San Sebastian Large Standing Female Figure407Dogon Walu Antelope Mask588Spout from An Egyptian New Year’s Flask
095Nayarit Woman Sitting on a Two-Legged Stool416Bamana Horned Mask597Viking Silver Earrings (5)
099Nayarit Woman Kneeling in “Birthing Position”421Dogon Door Lock with Two Long Horns 599Ming Dynasty Equestrian
102Pre-Classic Nayarit Conjoined Couple, Two Chupicuaro & Ecuadorian Figure (4)428Small Songye Male Figure 612Khmer Stone Head of Uma
104Nayarit Partial Female Figure Nursing a Child429Mitsogho Mask617Dong Son Bronze Bucket
108Zapotec Double Chambered Vessel 431Dinka Headrest619Indian Drawings (4)
110Teotihuacan Footed Vase432Bongo Stool623Fossil Fish Osteolepis Macrolepidotus
112Teotihuacan Large Brownware Decorated Urn 435Misc Ghana Group (3)624Fossil Fish Phareodus
113Haustec Large Female Idol Boundary Marker 436Senufo Male and Female Couple627Wood Carving of The Crucified Christ
118Veracruz Fancy Double Flute 440Idoma or Boki Headcrest629Medieval Style Iron Helmet
129Cocle Effigy Vessel443Eket Mask